Fridy Children’s Fund

Wally Fridy has been an active member of Buncombe Street UMC for 37 years. He has been a mission volunteer, served on committees, and raised children in the church, all while maintaining a busy medical practice. Now that he’s retired, he and his wife, Dorene, who joined Buncombe Street in 2012, are able to travel more, but they still remain active in the church and in the community.

Recently Wally reflected on what membership in Buncombe Street has meant to him. “I realize how important Buncombe Street has been in my personal walk with Christ. I have been able to worship with Godly members and have had the privilege of being led by strong Christian ministers and staff people.”

Along with their other activities that support the church now, Wally and Dorene have chosen to leave a legacy gift that will continue to give back to the church. They have designated the Buncombe Street UMC Endowment Fund as a beneficiary of Wally’s IRA. Upon his death, the Fund will receive the monies and will establish the Fridy Children’s Fund.

“Dorene and I met several times with Julia and with her guidance we prayerfully decided to establish the Fridy Children’s Fund. It will be established in memory of my daughter, Christine Fridy Lemons, and in honor of my sons, William Wallace Fridy, III, and his family, and Thomas Martin Fridy and his family.” The purpose of the Fridy Children’s Fund is to provide funds for scholarships for children to participate in enrichment programs provided by Buncombe Street Methodist Church. Annual distributions will be administered by the Leisure Ministries Board and can be used in a variety of ways to make enrichment programs available to children who otherwise could not participate.

“Now as I am entering the autumn years of my life, I hope and pray that our Church will continue to be a guiding light in Greenville for years to come. Thoughtful members in the past created the Buncombe Street UMC Endowment Fund to endow a legacy for future generations. We have seen the fruit of those gifts and wish to contribute to that legacy of faith.”

Wally and Dorene are now members of the Saints Society. The Church created the Saints Society to honor those who have make a lasting commitment to our congregation by contributing to the Endowment Fund during their lifetimes or by including charitable gifts to the Endowment Funds in their estates. By leveraging his estate plans, Wally is able to make a contribution that will greatly benefit children–the heart of a vibrant church.

“Dorene and I feel strongly that providing opportunities for children and youth creates a climate in which adults can also thrive. I was pleased to tell my sons that we could honor them and their families while also enriching the lives of other people’s children.”

If you would like to discuss including the Endowment Fund in your estate; or, if you would like to designate current giving, we would be delighted to meet with you. If your estate plan has been completed, simply notify us of your plans to leave a gift to the church through the BSUMC Endowment Fund.
