Global Outreach

“And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” In Acts 1:8, God calls us to step out of our comfort zones and be his witness, both around the corner and to the ends of the earth.

Jungle Kids for Christ empowers children of the jungle so that they can break the cycle of poverty and abuse and share that message of transformation with their family, community, country and world. Poverty comes in many forms; it can be spiritual, moral, monetary, or physical. In fact, in a person’s life poverty almost never presents itself in one form but is entangled with another and is the result of the direst form of poverty, the poverty of not being in right relationship with the creator God.
Because the jungle is a developing environment, the people of the jungle not only contend with the first four forms of poverty stated above but they also contend with another form or poverty, intellect. With limited resources and purpose to think, a person has little reason to change, but rather, they will simply do as others say or what they have seen done. Taking this into consideration, the people of this region are impoverished in many forms, imagine what their children have seen, what they have been told to do, and what they will blindly follow into adulthood. Odds are the cycle will continue.
Our mission is to provide an opportunity for these children to choose to be in right relationship with God, through providing education and thus breaking the stronghold of poverty for all future generations.
Volunteer Opportunities: Short term mission service in Puerto Misahualli, Ecuador, child sponsorship for education, prayer.

Mission of Hope, as an organization following Jesus Christ, exists to bring life transformation to every man, woman, and child. With campuses in the Caribbean and Central America, we partner with local churches to transform lives through church advancement, nutrition, education, and medical care. What started in Haiti 20 years ago, has now spread to multiple countries as God continues to open doors. Children are receiving a quality, Christ-centered education. Students are receiving daily, nutritious meals. The sick and injured are receiving life-changing medical care. We believe nations can be changed—one life at a time—through people like you who say “yes” to helping those in need.
Volunteer Opportunities: Short term mission service in Haiti, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, and Bahamas.
TMS Global sends people around the world to spread the love and message of Jesus. Since 1984, TMS Global has mobilized, trained, and served hundreds of cross-cultural witnesses. Currently, more than 140 workers serve in 39 nations around the world. Thousands of people have been introduced to Jesus and discipled in their faith. Churches in the US and abroad have embraced God’s plan for their congregations and reached out to their communities, nation, and the world with the hope of Christ. BSUMC currently supports a family serving in Jordan and a family serving in Selma, Alabama.
Volunteer Opportunities: Short term and long term global service, missionary sponsorship
Water Mission is a nonprofit Christian engineering organization, that designs, builds, and implements solutions that break through the global water crisis. Our comprehensive approach provides sustainable safe water treatment systems, sanitation solutions, and hygiene education to communities around the world. Our vision is that all people have access to safe water and an opportunity to experience God’s love. If you’re interested in learning more or volunteering you can do, please contact Water Mission.
Volunteer Opportunities:
ZOE’s unique empowerment program brings orphans and vulnerable children from extreme poverty to self-reliance in just three years. ZOE started as a relief ministry with a feeding program, paying school fees, and offering medical clinics. A native Rwandan noticed these programs unintentionally created dependency in her people, and she led a transition to today’s unique empowerment model. Instead of asking “how can we help these children,” ZOE asks “how can we help these children help themselves.” The children are invited to join a supportive group where they learn and practice food security, basic health and hygiene, small business skills, safe housing, and child rights. In 2015, over 28,000 orphans and vulnerable children are transforming their lives from extreme poverty to self-reliance in just three years. After graduation, these supportive groups continue to work together, often empowering additional orphans and passing along the skills, knowledge, and resources they have received to others. ZOE is now active in Rwanda, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Liberia, India and Guatemala.
Volunteer Opportunities: Fundraise, Go on a Vision Trip, Become an Advocate, Become a Prayer Partner