Banner Gregory Scholarships

Banner/Gregory College Scholarships

In 1978, Miss Carolyn Banner, a long-time teacher of English at Greenville High School, left a gift to the church through her will. In 1997, a family member created a scholarship Endowment to honor Dana Dunson Gregory, who was a very active member of Buncombe Street. These funds are invested in the Buncombe Street Methodist Church Endowment Fund and are designated for college scholarships “for worthy young people” in the church. Applications are available each Spring.

We asked previous recipients to talk about their college choices, Buncombe Street, and what advice they would offer high schoolers thinking about college. Their full answers  are below. Don’t you think Miss Banner and Mrs. Gregory would be proud?

Emily Mulkey

  1. What’s your major and why did you choose it?
    I am majoring in Athletic Training in the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences at The Ohio State University. I found my passion for athletic training as a career during high school at Wade Hampton where I served as the student athletic trainer for all sports. Through real life experience, I found my love for helping others on the medical side of athletics.
  2. Tell me about how Buncombe Street has influenced you.
    As a student, Buncombe Street gave me a home where I was fortunate enough to participate in leadership opportunities such as serving as an acolyte, being a camp counselor, and being a mentor for the Confirmation class. These activities were instrumental in helping me find my love for service to others which has carried over into my career aspirations.
  3. What do you miss most about Greenville/BSUMC?
    Sweet Tea! I miss my Arnold Palmers! But seriously, what I miss the most about Greenville, are my families. My personal family with my parents and siblings, my work family, my Wade Hampton athletic training family, and, of course, my Buncombe Street family. I miss the people and relationships that brightened up my days.
  4. What words of advice do you have for other BSUMC high schoolers regarding college?
    Don’t rush to leave high school, enjoy these moments, because college is a whole new ball game. Once you are at college – Explore! You will have new levels of independence and will be at a place where any opportunity is at your fingertips. Take advantage of that and expand your horizons. But most importantly, keep your heart and morals set in Christ and enjoy the world and experiences He has given you, whether in college or high school.

Ashley Hannon

  1. Thank you for reaching out to me, I am so excited about the scholarship! I am majoring in Accounting and Finance because I have always had a love for math and wanted to apply it to the business world. I think the job outlook for both majors looks great and I love how each field solves problems through tried and true methods that work. Working with numbers has always been an interest for me and I am excited to see where this major leads me!
  2. There would not be enough room on the page to tell you how much Buncombe Street has influenced me. I was baptized in this church, went to nursery here, pre school, every summer camp we offer, youth basketball, Sunday school, Youth, Youth Choir and Handbells, and the list goes on. One thing that I realized that each Church activity throughout my life has in common is the person making it happen. If it wasn’t for the Sunday school teachers, choir directors (special shoutout to Rosemary), youth pastors, David Stubbs, basketball coaches, then none of these activities would have been possible for me. College is very time consuming, and if I had to guess I am sure the real world puts even more pressures on you, but these individuals took the time out of their lives to nurture me and help me grow in my faith and as a young woman. These people taught me that no matter what happens in life my church and the people inside those doors will always be there donating their time and energy. Every time I have a tough exam or seem to constantly be running around, I try to take time to think about all of these people and remember what is actually important in life and how Jesus calls us to live and give back to our church and brothers and sisters.
  3. I was born in Greenville and have been going to Buncombe Street for as long as I remember, so I really miss the comfort of something so familiar to me. One of the main things I miss about Buncombe Street and Greenville is being able to drive up to the Sanctuary on a quiet Tuesday afternoon when all I need is some time to sit in the back right pew where my family and I have sat forever and think to myself and talk to God (oh and try to listen to Him, too). It is hard to find somewhere so comforting as the Sanctuary at school but Jesus has taught me that He is most definitely everywhere I go and I can look for that peace at any point in my day no matter if I am in Greenville or Columbia.
  4. If I could say one thing to high schoolers regarding college: DON’T WORRY. Worrying is one of my many specialties, and let me tell you it gets me no where. Senior year of high school I worried so much about where I was going to go, and somehow USC fell into my lap. But go cocks right? I mean what do you expect? But seriously, God has a plan for each and every one of you and has got your back. Don’t worry about anything, pray about everything because he knows what he is doing and knows exactly where he wants you to be. I have seen first hand MANY blessings big and small that could only be God’s plan because I trusted in Him and did my best to follow what I thought He was telling me. It won’t be easy to always stay on his path, but he could surprise you with some detours that are probably better than what you had in mind anyways. And as always, go Gamecocks!

Carey Turner

  1. Thank you so much! I am so honored to have been chosen. As of now, I am a pre business major with an emphasis on marketing. What really sold marketing to me was the benefit it can bring to a client and the creativity needed to solve different problems.
  2. BSUMC has influenced me in more ways than I can count. I’ve grown up in the church and have made so many connections that will last me a lifetime. When I was 15 my house was broken into while I was home alone and asleep. Within an hour of the incident I was placed on the prayer chain and began to relieve messages from members of the congregation sharing words of encouragement; those messages and prayers were such a huge source of strength for me and I knew then that BSUMC was a church like no other. After that I knew I wanted to find a place wherever I was that provided as much love and support as my church had.
  3. What I miss most about Greenville is definitely the people. Clemson is an amazing place to meet so many new people but I definitely walking into a store or restaurant and seeing so many familiar faces! The same goes for Buncombe Street. I grew up surrounded with such a strong community and it’s sad to not see everyone on a regular basis.
  4. To the high schoolers: First off, be PRESENT in high school. I can remember talking about how I couldn’t wait to leave for college and now I’m looking back and wishing I was lived more in the moment. College will come soon enough but right now you’re in high school so enjoy the Friday night football games, eat at home more- dining halls get really old really quick, and make friends you’ll be happy to come home to when you inevitably part ways. Second, work hard and get involved so you can go where you choose. Being involved in high school gives you a huge advantage when applying for roles in college organizations. Lastly, take advantage of what BSUMC has to offer. I was very involved in Youth Ministries and made so many friends, older and younger, that I cannot wait to come home to and catch up with.
