
The mission of B-Street Women's Ministry is to enable women of all ages to share in abundant life in Jesus Christ. We provide opportunities for enhancing spiritual life through service, missions, prayer, Bible Study, education, and fellowship. Through these experiences, women will minister to each other, their families, and serve God in their daily lives.


Lay Member Contact: Melissa Anderson, Women’s Ministry Committee Chair
Staff Contact: Cathy Musselwhite, Director of Adult Ministry

Small Groups

Small groups are offered throughout the year, both on and off-campus, and led by B-Street Women. Groups are open to members, visitors, and friends, and are not limited to just Bible studies. Check out all our current B-Street Small Groups, or scroll down for the Women’s Event Calendar. If you would like to lead a small group for women or have a great idea for a group, contact Cathy Musselwhite, Director of Adult Ministry.

Fellowship Opportunities

B-Street Women’s Retreat 

Each February, B-Street Women hosts a weekend-long “off-campus” retreat with guest speaker, worship leader, small group activities, soaking prayer, and additional incredible ways to grow closer to the Lord.

Click Here to register for our next retreat scheduled for February 21-23, 2025. (Don’t wait! Registration closes 1/21/24.)

Spring Dinner and Christmas Luncheon

Each Spring and Christmas season, B-Street Women invites a dynamic guest speaker to Buncombe Street and holds a seated meal for all women of Buncombe Street and their guests. These occasions connect to a mission, and while nourishing us through fellowship and the message of the speaker, also give back to the community’s needs.

Location: Sisk Hall, Buncombe Street
Lay Member Spring Dinner Contact: Beth Henry or Melissa Anderson
Lay Member Christmas Luncheon Contact: Suzanne Hardin

Summer Social

Ladies of all ages gather over appetizers at the home of a Buncombe Street member to say goodbye to summer and enjoy a time of community.

Location: Various Homes
Lay Member Contact: Melissa Anderson

Nan Ivester Fellowship Group

This group (ages 60 +)  enjoys a social “catch up with friends” from 9:30 to 10:00 AM, with a program beginning at 10:00 AM, every second Tuesday of the month, September-May.

Location: Truluck Room, Buncombe Street
Lay Member Contact: Anita Burton

The MomCo- formerly MOPS

The MomCo is a non-profit organization that encourages and equips moms of young children to realize their potential as mothers, women and leaders, in relationship with Jesus and in partnership with the local church. Buncombe Street MomCo typically meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month during the school year, with some breaks for holidays. Meetings have childcare provided in a loving environment.  MomCo is an opportunity for mothers of children from birth to kindergarten to be encouraged and supported by other moms in this gratifying yet infinitely challenging season of life. Registration is required to attend.

You do not need to be a member of the church to join – MomCo is open to all mothers of small children regardless of their religious beliefs. To learn more about The MomCo, visit their landing page.

Location: Room 217, Buncombe Street
Lay Member Contact: Ashley Anderson

B-Street Women Event Calendar


