Senior Adult

Helping you live the second half of your life with meaning and joy. Ages 55+

Senior Adult Ministries

BSMC is committed to honoring senior adults who have helped pave the path for future generations. One of the ways we demonstrate our appreciation and support is by providing intentional community, as well as opportunities to continue sharing Christ with others, through a variety of ministries.

Fellowship Club

The Fellowship Club meets on the 3rd Tuesday of every month (except in the summer) at 11:00 AM in The Truluck Room. During this time we have devotionals, we recognize visitors and birthdays, we discuss upcoming trips and events, and we typically have a special guest speaker or performer. Lunch is served at the conclusion of the program.


BSMC currently offers one fitness class for seniors:

Well Balanced for Seniors: 9:30 AM Tuesdays & Thursdays

Trip Ministry

Throughout the year we go on day trips, three or four-night trips, and two-week trips. We go to local theaters, destinations in the Southeast, and all around the world! Why? So we can enjoy God’s beautiful world, build relationships, and show others the love of Christ. Trips are ongoing, so check with the church office for updates.

Special Events

Special events happen throughout the year and include:

  • Dramatic Presentations
  • Educational Gatherings
  • Ice Cream Socials and Peanut Boils

These events are open to all but designed especially for our retirees.
