
Buncombe Street offers Boy Scouts of America and Girl Scouts of America with regular meetings for various age levels, adult leadership and church sponsorship.

Boy Scouts

Boy Scout Troop 9 meets in the Scout Hut directly behind the main church building at 213 College Street. This Troop is very active as we have one camp-out every month, which includes camporees, beach camping, and family opportunities.

Each summer our Troop takes a week-long trip to Camp Old Indian. And every summer we take a BIG TRIP, which includes sailing in the Bahamas or canoeing in the boundary waters of Minnesota and Canada.

Troop 9 hosts several Reedy Falls District Events, such as:

  • Order of the Arrow Monthly Meetings
  • Weekly Leader Roundtables
  • District Awards Banquet

We are also involved in community service through the Goodfellows, the Buncombe Street Fall Festival, Eagle Projects, and breaking down Drake Hall every Wednesday night and setting up for church banquets on a regular basis.

The Troop’s fundraisers include: the annual Chicken Dinner, Fall for Greenville Parking, Christmas Trees and the Basketball concession stand.

The Troop motto is Climb High. This is an opportunity to help the future of our country by helping its youth to climb high!

For more information, including who to contact and photos of the troop, visit

Cub Scouts

PACK 9 boasts Lion cubs (K5), Tiger Cubs (1st graders), Wolf Cubs (2nd graders), Bears Cubs (3rd graders), Webelo Scouts (4th & 5th graders), and wonderful, committed leaders.

Membership to PACK 9 is open year-round. We currently have 60 boys in our Buncombe Street PACK.

Venture Crew

Venture Crew 9 is a co-ed group sponsored by Buncombe Street and open to older teens and beyond (14-21yrs old). Each venture crew has an emphasis in its programming; ours is outdoor adventure!

Boy Scout Troop 9 Endowment

The Troop 9 Endowment is an endowment fund has been developed to support the ministry of Boy Scout Troop 9. Troop 9 has been building outstanding leaders for our community and country since it inception in 1924! The endowment will initially support kids who don’t have the financial means to fully participate in Scouting. But the ultimate goal of this endowment is to establish a college scholarship program for Troop 9 Eagle Scouts!

This endowment is administered by the Endowment Committee of Buncombe St. Church and a Board selected by Troop 9.

For more information about the Troop 9 endowment and the ministry of the Endowment Committee, contact Karen Gambrell, Church Director of Operations.

Scouting at Buncombe Street



Troop 9 Serves More than Dinner

This will be the thirtieth year in a row Troop 9 has prepared and served the dinners.  But what makes this dinner even more special is that it is a service project as well.  Approximately 1000 dinners are given to those in need through local agencies.

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