
We hope that after visiting Buncombe Street, you’ll decide that you want to be a more permanent member of our church family.

We believe that joining the church is good for our members and good for our church. Knowing who our members are allows us to serve them better and to plan more effectively. And becoming a member often creates a greater sense of belonging and a stronger commitment to the church and its ministries.

But we want you to do more than just join the church. We want you to BE the church. We know that exciting things are happening at Buncombe Street, and we want you to be a real part of that. We encourage our new members to roll up their sleeves and get involved right away because we’re sure that our church, our community, and the members themselves will be abundantly blessed.


Many of our members and friends wear Buncombe Street nametags when they’re at church or at church functions. This is one of the many things that makes a large church seem accessible to members and newcomers alike. BSUMC nametags attach with a magnet (though pin-style tags are available by request for those who have a pacemaker) and can be purchased for $6.50 each. If you would like to order a name tag, please follow the link below.

I’d like to order a nametag!

ENGAGE Class for New Members

ENGAGE is a class for everyone. Whether you want learn more about the church, connect with other people, pursue membership at Buncombe Street, or simply find your next step in the body of the church, we encourage you to check out ENGAGE.

ENGAGE is a two-hour class that is offered every other month on a Sunday night from 6-8pm in the Truluck Room of the Downtown Campus. Over the two hours, we want to help participants find their place, their purpose, their family, and their next step within Buncombe Street.

Your time in ENGAGE will feature video teaching from our pastors and staff, connection activities with others in attendance, and offer next steps to put the ideas into practice. The 2023 ENGAGE classes will take place on:

  • January 29th (in room 217)
  • March 5th
  • May 21st
  • July 23rd
  • September 10th
  • November 12th

If you are interested in participating in ENGAGE, please complete the form below and we will reach out about getting you registered for our next class.

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The Heart of a Sprout

Recently, Buncombe Street UMC adopted a new vision statement which begins, “As followers of Jesus, our focus will be to share the “Abundant Life” with those outside our church, those inside our church and in our own families.” But this…

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