
August 30, 2023

Confirmation Mentors: Be a part of our middle schoolers’ faith journey!

Confirmation is a process and a destination.  We’ll be giving the students a lot of information about Christianity, the Methodist Church and personal spirituality over the next 9 months.  The mentor component exposes them to a singular adult… someone who has their own unique perspective to share.  Mentors are asked to attend all the scheduled meetings, share their own faith, demonstrate a Christian lifestyle, and be supportive and encouraging of the confirmand.

Mentor night dates are extremely important.  Here are the dates we need you with a list of tentative activities. We meet from ~5:45-7:30.

October 8, 2023            Ice Cream Social & Covenant Service

November 12, 2023    Game Night

December 10, 2023     Mission Night

January 7, 2024            Bible Adventure Night

February 11, 2024        Stained Glass Activity

March 10, 2024            TBA

April 14, 2024                Covered Dish Dinner discussing discipleship

April 28, 2024                CONFIRMATION SUNDAY during Sunday morning service

If you are interested in being a mentor, fill out the form below. You can find more information by reading this information sheet or by emailing

Confirmation Mentors

Please use this form to let us know if you are interested in being a Confirmation Mentor for 7th and 8th grade students for the 2023-2024 school year.



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