Troop 9 Serves More than Dinner
Boy Scout Troop 9 is excited about our biggest fundraiser of the year, the annual Chicken Dinner. Scouts and their families in the troop will be preparing and serving over 1200 dinners. This year the dinner will be served on Sunday, May 7 starting at 10:00 AM and continue until after the 11:00 worship services at both the Downtown and Trinity campuses.
This will be the thirtieth year in a row Troop 9 has prepared and served the dinners. But what makes this dinner even more special is that it is a service project as well. Approximately 1000 dinners are given to those in need through local agencies.
The dinners consist of a marinated chicken breast, baked beans, corn on the cob, a bakery roll, and a cookie. Tickets are $10 and Troop 9 takes a various amount of payment options.
Please plan to enjoy a dinner and support our scouting program here at Buncombe Street. Thank you for your prayers and support as Troop 9 continues to promote leadership and good citizenship through service in our community.