On Holy Ground
Last Sunday someone asked me if I could help clean up the communion elements after the 11:00 AM Table service. The partially used communion bread was broken into small pieces. I was instructed to take it along with the leftover juice to the Memorial Garden. Bread crumbs were to be scattered for the birds and juice poured on the ground.

Being relatively new to the church, this was my first visit to the Memorial Garden. When I opened the iron gate and walked inside, I experienced a sudden realization of what this place was. I truly felt my feet were on holy ground, not simply another beautiful outdoor space. There was something very different here.
I found myself drawn to God as I carefully and prayerfully poured the communion juice on the ground. As I sprinkled the bread crumbs on the grass, I was led to pray for the birds that would come to partake. I prayed that they would be blessed. Then I found myself thanking the Lord for the lives of all the people who are memorialized there.
As I exited the garden and shut the gate, I had the distinct feeling that I had just participated in a sacrament. Had I just served communion to the souls who are memorialized in that special place? To be honest, I am looking forward to doing this again.
– Frank Salatino, member