
The Children’s Ministry’s primary focus is to ensure the safety of every child attending our church activities. This system exists for all children from infancy through fifth grade.

Through our security system the church is able to:

  • Identify and confirm the location of a child at any time
  • Quickly alert members during an emergency
  • Have knowledge of a child’s allergies or special needs
  • Have confidence in matching children with guardians
  • Provide security badges to children, parents, and visitors

How it Works

Check-In: We have several check-in stations located around the church (some manned with people and others self-guided). You, as a parent, are asked to check your child, or children, in at one of these stations. Once your family’s information is in the computer, the check-in process should take no longer than a few seconds, as the computer system will print out a customized security badge for your child and a corresponding badge for you, the parent. If you are a visiting family, or if you have an issue signing in at a self-guided check-in system, please go to the manned kiosk station in the lobby, and we will work to make this process as smooth and as enjoyable as possible.

Pick-Up: When you go to pick up your child, following the service or a church event, you must have the corresponding parent badge in order for the leader to release your child. We do not allow children to attend a class if they are not checked in and we do not release children without the matching badge. No exceptions will be made, as we take the safety of every child very seriously.

Requirements for Volunteers with Children and Youth

  • Be a BSMC member, or be actively involved at BSMC for at least six-months
  • Pass a National Background Check, a Social Security Verification Check, and a SLED criminal record’s check. Rechecks happen every five years.
  • Must be Safe Sanctuary Certified

Number & Age Rules

  • Two or more adults must be present during any church sponsored program involving children or youth. A single (meaning one) adult should never be alone with a single child or youth.
  • No one under the age of 18 will have sole responsibility or be left alone with children or youth.
  • Youth staff, counselors, teachers, and leaders will always be a minimum of five years older than the age group they have been recruited to supervise, unless two additional, approved adults, who are five years older than the age group, are also present.
  • A youth may only assist with children or youth when two approved adults are also present.

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The Heart of a Sprout

Recently, Buncombe Street UMC adopted a new vision statement which begins, “As followers of Jesus, our focus will be to share the “Abundant Life” with those outside our church, those inside our church and in our own families.” But this…

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