April 12, 2020
At Home Celebrations
We know that even a pandemic did not stop Easter from coming!…
View All News"Whoever welcomes a child...welcomes me." Matthew 18:5
God calls us to create communities of faith where children and adults grow safe and strong, so at Buncombe Street, we have a multi-step process for training and approving volunteers who work with children, youth, and vulnerable adults. If you are interested in becoming Safe Sanctuary approved, please allow 1 1/2 to 2 hours to complete the following steps:
April 12, 2020
We know that even a pandemic did not stop Easter from coming!…
View All NewsHonor the Lord With Your Time and Talents
God has entrusted time, talent and treasure to each of us. Let us respond to His blessings by giving our time and talent in service to His Church.
ServeTwo years ago, Buncombe Street’s Children’s Ministry joined the Greenville sheriff’s Adopt-a-Cop program. The program pairs officers with civilians in an effort to build mutually beneficial relationships. The Sherriff’s office has been overwhelmed with support. One Children’s Ministry family has…
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