New Ministry Opportunities

Do you have a ministry idea, or have you noticed a need in our church? Buncombe Street UMC encourages our faithful family to serve in whatever ways they feel called. While we have a great number of volunteer opportunities that are currently available, if you feel called to serve in a unique way, let the church staff know.

The church has on-going volunteer opportunities in various ministries, including Children, Youth, Adult, Special Needs, Congregational Care, Prayer Ministry, Music & Arts, Recreational, Scouts, and Mission & Outreach. However, if you don’t see a ministry area that meets your needs or your family’s needs, it might be that God is calling you to start something new at Buncombe Street. We would love to talk to you about that!

Complete this form, providing as much information as you would like to share, and someone from the church staff will be in touch with you.

Ministry Idea Form

  • Fellowship, Outreach, Evangelism, Worship, Discipleship, etc.
