Missions & Outreach Funding Evaluation

Guidelines for Funding Requests

The BSMC Missions and Outreach Committee receives funding requests annually from both individuals and organizations. Each request is considered based on the guidelines set forth and approved by the committee.

PURPOSE: In all things we seek to love God, serve others, and make disciples of Jesus Christ to help fulfill the Great Commission. In this context, our focus is to support work that is transformative and empowering to local and global communities. We prioritize the following:

  • Focus on fulfilling the Great Commission
  • Alleviate human suffering
  • Strengthen, encourage, and empower marginalized communities
  • Offer opportunities for congregants to become personally involved with the work of the organization

PROCESS: Applications are submitted once per year with deadlines listed below. All previous recipients must submit an evaluation form by February 28th after the year they received the funding. If an evaluation report is not received, the organization will not be considered for future applications until the report is received.

  1. Funding applications are submitted through the online form on the BSMC Missions & Outreach page. The form will be open March 1st -31st. Applications received after March 31st will not be accepted.
  2. Applications will be reviewed by the committee April-May with site visits (if needed) completed by May 1st.
  3. Organizations that receive funding must submit an evaluation for the previous year to be eligible to apply again. Evaluations are submitted through the online form on the BSMC Missions & Outreach page and due by February 28th.
  4. Notifications to applicants will be made in July. If requests are approved, funds will normally be distributed by the end of July. Those who are not approved during a particular year are welcome to reapply for the following year.
