Membership Intention Form

Let us know your membership intention plans by completing the below form. Physical forms can be found at the Downtown church office, in the welcome center, and in the pews at both campuses.

Pending the vote of the SC Annual Conference (June 4-7), Buncombe Street UMC will no longer be affiliated with the United Methodist denomination. Additionally, our Trinity campus will become its own church and remain in the UMC. As a part of the disaffiliation process, the conference has asked that we collect and send to them those wishing to remain a part of the UMC. In an effort to best facilitate this request, we are asking our members to complete this intention form. Please know that our earnest prayer and deepest hope is that all of our current members will continue to be a part of one of these congregations as we move forward in faith.

If filling out as a single member, please just type your name again
As of July 1, my plan for church membership is:(Required)
