February 5, 2025
Medical Mission Trip to the Dominican Republic: November 5-12, 2025
Travel to Jarabacoa, Dominican Republic to work with our mission partner, Mission of Hope. Large communities of Haitian people have moved…
View All NewsRead what members of Buncombe Street have to say about Stewardship.
The word good here refers to tangible material goods. Do you have an elderly acquaintance who can’t afford to clean her house or neighbors who can’t afford college for their kids? If you have more worldly goods, it is your responsibility to share. Why?
According to a recent study, the average adult makes about 35,000 remotely conscious decisions each day. As our level of responsibility increases, so does the multitude of choices we have to make.
Christian stewardship is about recognizing the source of our resources, their origin, and what we should do with these resources. Understanding and practicing good stewardship can help us develop a more complete picture of our relationship to God and prioritize our finances, values, and lives around the things that matter most. Our church has established seven “Principles” to help us better understand stewardship and what God expects of us. In this article we review Principle #3.
In Principle #2, we are made aware, as a recipient of God’s gifts, a responsibility to take care of our gifts – not for a day, week, month, or year, but for a lifetime (lifelong stewards).
You may think that your possessions, in particular money and time, belong to you, but God says clearly in His word that it really belongs to Him. Psalm 24:1 proclaims, “The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.”
The news of Kobe Bryant’s death was sudden and shocking. The loss of such an elite athlete, his teenage daughter, and seven other passengers was an abrupt reminder that life is so very fragile.
Time is our most precious gift. It’s limited. You can make more money, but you can’t make more time. Time management apps have proliferated over the past few years, as we try to squeeze more productivity out of each day. But all the technology in the world will be meaningless unless we apply the biblical principles of stewardship to every aspect of our lives.
The youngest, of our three daughters, is a sophomore at Clemson. Ten years ago, she was a fifth-grader participating in the Sprout’s Ministry program at Buncombe Street. Sprout’s is an amazing Buncombe Street UMC ministry for 4th and 5th graders, lead by Reverend Gayle Quay.
The month of December is a turning point for each of us as we look forward to the prospects of the upcoming new year. December is also the month when many of us reflect upon the things that we need to do before the turn of the calendar.
We often associate stewardship as a request for money, and money is certainly an essential element. But it is also an honor, blessing, and privilege to give back with the time and talents that have been given to each of us by our Creator. Robbie Walters explained that when he serves, “it feels like God is filling my cup much more than I pour it out.
I come this morning with good stewardship news. The first good news is that I bring no charts, graphs or exhortations to help make up a year-to-date budget deficit! The better news is that God is indeed blessing our church and our lives…
Have you ever pushed yourself to accept a challenge by asking yourself, “Why Not?” Matthew 22:36-39 is the first and “greatest commandment” and one of our most sacred duties…
Gosh… stewardship. Before this year, I’d say that the way I thought about stewardship at church was related to seeing the banners hang out front, declaring that it was time to give to the annual campaign, and monitoring the “thermometers” throughout the church showing how close or far away we, as a congregation, were from our budgetary goal…
Stewardship can be confusing. It’s sometimes mistaken for fundraising, but stewardship is not about the church budget or paying for a new addition to the church building, it’s about recognizing God’s work in our lives and responding to God with gratitude.
Do I remember the last time I lent someone a hand? Am I able to let others help me? Sharing even a mundane task can bind people together in lasting friendships…
It is natural to interpret Jesus’ well-known parable of the talents in terms of the stewardship of one’s financial assets. This interpretation shortchanges the parable because it focuses on only one aspect of God’s gifts to each of us. This minimizes (or ignores) the other gifts the Master gives each of us…
“What is life that is truly life?” Smart management requires investing in what makes life meaningful for me, my family and my community. I have the opportunity to invest time and money in what truly matters…
Our intentions were good, but . . . many years ago, I became aware of “stewardship”. I had been asked to serve on the stewardship committee at Buncombe Street and help with communications. I didn’t know what Christian stewardship was, or what function this committee provided for our church.
“What is life that is truly life?” Smart management requires investing in what makes life meaningful for me, my family and my community. I have the opportunity to invest time and money in what truly matters…
Where do I place myself within this community to see God? Seeing God at work increases my understanding of my creator and myself. So, why not go climb a “tree?” …
Many years ago, I became aware of “stewardship”. I had been asked to serve on the stewardship committee at Buncombe Street and help with communications. I didn’t know what Christian stewardship was, or what function this committee provided for our church…
How do I love God with my whole heart? How do I love others? Giving time is one way to share love. Consider jumping into the Crisis Ministry or any other opportunity to get connected…
Throughout our journey in this world, it’s likely we’ve all thought about life – the meaning of it, our place, our purpose, and asked, “Why?” If we believe we are created in the image of God and designed to serve His purposes and to share His love, we should not be asking, “Why?”, but “Why Not?” …
Robbie Walter shares what the Bible teaches about money and giving and personal testimonial with participants of the Compass Class. Compass is a three-session class where participants learn about Buncombe Street UMC’s vision for the future …
February 5, 2025
Travel to Jarabacoa, Dominican Republic to work with our mission partner, Mission of Hope. Large communities of Haitian people have moved…
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