More Than Money: Being a Good Steward of All God Has Given Us

Time is our most precious gift. It’s limited. You can make more money, but you can’t make more time.

Time management apps have proliferated over the past few years, as we try to squeeze more productivity out of each day. But all the technology in the world will be meaningless unless we apply the biblical principles of stewardship to every aspect of our lives.

Stewardship is generally associated with money and giving, but stewardship is really about managing everything God has given or entrusted to us: our time, our talents, and our financial resources.

We live in a culture where the world around us distracts from the God who holds it together. But God has given us the freedom to choose how we will manage all He’s given us.

God has entrusted us to use what He has given us – to accomplish His purposes. How are you doing? How relevant is God in your daily life?

Lean on the principles of whole-life stewardship so Christ can say to you “well done, good and faithful servant.”

