Sunrise Worship

we’re glad you joined us!

Prayer of Invocation
— Elizabeth Loughran, Children’s Ministry Associate
Opening Songs
Jocelyn Marr

All Creatures Of Our God And King
All creatures of our
God and King

Lift up your voice
and with us sing

O praise Him

Thou burning sun
with golden beams

Thou silver moon
with softer gleam

Oh praise him
Oh praise him

Alleluia, Alleluia

Thou rushing wind
that art so strong

Ye clouds that sail
in heav’n along

O praise Him

Thou rising morn
in praise rejoice

Ye lights of evening
find a voice

O praise Him
O praise Him

Alleluia, Alleluia

Let all things
their Creator bless

And worship Him
in humbleness

O praise Him,

Praise, praise the Father
praise the Son

And praise the Spirit
Three in One

O praise Him
O praise Him

O Alleluia, Alleluia

Praise, praise the Father
praise the Son

And praise the Spirit
Three in One

O praise Him
O praise Him

O Alleluia, Alleluia

O Alleluia, Alleluia
O Alleluia, Alleluia

Mighty To Save
Everyone needs

A love that’s
never failing

Let mercy
fall on me

Everyone needs

The kindness
of a Savior

And hope
of nations

Savior, he can move
the mountains

My God is
mighty to save

He is
mighty to save

author of salvation

He rose and
conquered the grave

conquered the grave

So take me
as you find me

All my fears and failures
Fill my life again

I give my life to follow
Everything I believe in

Now I surrender

Savior, He can move
the mountains

My God is
mighty to save

He is
mighty to save

author of salvation

He rose and
conquered the grave

conquered the grave

Shine your light and
let the whole world see


we’re singing for the glory
of the risen King, Jesus

Shine your light and
let the whole world see

we’re singing for the glory
of the risen King, Jesus

Savior, He can move
the mountains

My God is
mighty to save

He is
mighty to save

author of salvation

He rose and
conquered the grave

conquered the grave

Savior, He can move
the mountains

My God is
mighty to save

He is
mighty to save

author of salvation

He rose and
conquered the grave

conquered the grave

Shine your light and
let the whole world see

we’re singing for the glory
of the risen King, Jesus

Shine your light and
let the whole world see

we’re singing for the glory
of the risen King, Jesus

Shine your light and
let the whole world see

we’re singing for the glory
of the risen King, Jesus

Shine your light and
let the whole world see

we’re singing for the glory
of the risen King, Jesus

Scripture Reading: Mark 16:1-8
Rev. Ben Burt, Associate Pastor for Trinity Campus
Sermon: “Hallelujah”

Because He Lives
I believe in the Son
I believe in the risen One

I believe I overcome
By the power of His blood

Amen, Amen
I’m alive, I’m alive
Because He lives
Amen, Amen

Let my song join
the one that never ends
Because He lives

I was dead in the grave
I was covered in
sin and shame

I heard mercy
call my name
He rolled the stone away

Amen, Amen
I’m alive, I’m alive
Because He lives
Amen, Amen

Let my song join
the one that never ends
Because He lives

Because He lives
I can face tomorrow

Because He lives
Every fear is gone

I know He holds my life
my future in His hand

Amen, Amen
I’m alive, I’m alive
Because He lives
Amen, Amen

Let my song join
the one that never ends

Amen, Amen
I’m alive, I’m alive
Because He lives
Amen, Amen


Let my song join
the one that never ends
Because He lives

Closing Songs

How Great Thou Art
O Lord my God
when I in awesome wonder

Consider all the works
Thy Hand has made

I see the stars
I hear the rolling thunder

Thy power throughout
the universe displayed

Then sings my soul
my Savior God to Thee

How great Thou art
How great Thou art

Then sings my soul
my Saviour God to Thee

How great Thou art
How great Thou art

And when I think, that God
His Son not sparing

Sent Him to die
I scarce can take it in

That on the Cross
my burden gladly bearing

He bled and died
to take away my sin

Then sings my soul
my Savior God to Thee

How great Thou art
How great Thou art

Then sings my soul
my Savior God to Thee

How great Thou art
How great Thou art

When Christ shall come
with shout of acclamation

And take me home
what joy shall fill my heart

Then I shall bow
in humble adoration

And then proclaim
“My God,
how great Thou art!”

Then sings my soul
my Savior God to Thee

How great Thou art
How great Thou art

Then sings my soul
my Savior God to Thee

How great Thou art
How great Thou art

What A Beautiful Name
You were the Word
at the beginning

One with God
the Lord Most High

Your hidden glory
in creation

Now revealed in You
Our Christ

What a beautiful Name it is
What a beautiful Name it is

The Name of
Jesus Christ my King

What a beautiful Name it is
Nothing compares to this

What a beautiful Name it is
the Name of Jesus

You didn’t want
heaven without us

So Jesus, You brought
heaven down

My sin was great,
Your love was greater

What could
separate us now?

What a wonderful
Name it is

What a wonderful
Name it is

The Name of
Jesus Christ my King

What a wonderful
Name it is

Nothing compares to this

What a wonderful
Name it is
the Name of Jesus

Death could not hold You
The veil tore before You

You silenced the
boast of sin and grave

The heavens are roaring
the praise of Your glory

For you are raised
to life again

You have no rival
You have no equal

Now and forever
God You reign

Yours is the kingdom
Yours is the glory

Yours in the Name
above all names

What a powerful Name it is
What a powerful Name it is

The Name of
Jesus Christ my King

What a powerful Name it is
Nothing can stand against

What a powerful Name it is
the Name of Jesus

Closing Blessing
