Frequently Asked Questions

Do you offer part-time, full-time, or drop-in care?

We only offer year-round, full-time care with 12 equal payments throughout the year.

What is the age cut off for each age group?

Infants must be born on or before September 1st of that year so that children will be with their graduating class in Greenville County Schools.

Is there a registration fee?

There is a one-time registration fee of $250 for infants, toddlers, 2K; $150 for 3K and 4K when you accept a spot.

How much is tuition?

Tuition for infants and toddlers is $1,075/month; 2K, 3K, and 4K is $950/month.

When does your school year start?

Our new school year starts the week of Memorial Day for all classes.

What holidays are you closed for?

• New Year’s Day
• Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
• Good Friday
• Memorial Day
• July Fourth
• Labor Day
• Teacher training (2 consecutive days combined with July 4th)
• Christmas Holidays (5 days)
• Thanksgiving Holiday (2 days)

Can we take a tour of the facility?

Tours are offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11:00, 11:30 or 12:00 and take about 20 minutes. Click here to sign up for a tour of either of our campuses.

When do you offer spots for the next school year?

We begin offering spots for the next school year the first full week of February.  Families will be called in the order wait list applications are received.  Church members and siblings of currently-enrolled students receive priority.  You have 24 hours to accept or decline the spot.  If you accept a spot which will begin in June, then you are required to pay for the spot even if your child is not yet born or old enough to attend.

Do parents need to enroll their child each school year?

No, you do not need to enroll every year.  Once your child is accepted into BSMC CDC, your child moves up with his/her class.  They will get new teachers and a new classroom, but their friends will remain the same.

How do we get on the Wait List?

Fill out the Wait List Form and either mail or drop off the form with payment to either campus.
