Carolyn Banner/Dana Gregory Scholarship Application

In 1978, Miss Carolyn Banner, a long-time teacher of English at Greenville High School, left a gift to the church through her will. In 1997, a family member created a scholarship Endowment to honor Dana Dunson Gregory, who was a very active member of Buncombe Street. These funds are invested in the Buncombe Street Methodist Church Endowment Fund and are designated for college scholarships “for worthy young people” in the church. The focus of this merit-based scholarship is church involvement. The amount of the scholarship varies based on annual interest earned but will be a minimum of $500. Applications are available each Spring.

To be considered for this scholarship, an applicant is required to:

  • Be an active member of Buncombe Street Methodist Church and anticipate enrolling at a U.S. accredited college/university in the 2024-2025 academic year as a freshman.
  • Submit a personal statement as further described in this packet.
  • Submit at least two confidential reference evaluations from the below who know your level of church involvement.
    • A Buncombe Street clergy or ministry staff person
    • And one from the following:
      • Buncombe Street lay person (i.e. coach, inHouse leader, Sunday School teacher)
      • Community Leader (friend, boss, teacher, etc.)
  • Submit a resume including church involvement, community/volunteer experiences, school activities, work experience, etc.

All parts of this application must be submitted to Cathy Musselwhite by April 3, 2024.

A maximum of 100 points may be assigned to your application as follows:

  • 50 points – Personal statement (see part llA)
  • 20 points – Letters of Recommendation (see part llB) (Click here or where it is linked above to view and send to your references)
  • 30 points – Resume (see part lll)

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