Building Access Guidelines

Building Access and Admin Lobby Memo to Staff and Lay Leaders March/2020

To tighten security at our Downtown campus, existing security procedures are being reviewed and revised, technology upgrades are in progress, and new procedures are being implemented. The security improvements are a “work in progress”. Updates will be provided as technology upgrades are implemented and procedures are revised.

Changes already implemented:


  • All EXTERIOR doors will remain LOCKED at ALL times with few exceptions. The doors are locked/unlocked based on the daily calendar using scheduling technology managed by staff.
    • When exterior doors are locked, they should only be accessed via keycard holders.
    • An exterior door should NEVER be left propped open.
    • Exceptions (entrance through these doors) are allowed for large events and must be coordinated through a staff member.
    • Sunday mornings: ALL primary exterior doors will be OPEN from 8AM-12:30 PM for worship services.
    • Note: All exterior doors allow exit at all times.
  • ADMIN Lobby Entrance (211 College St): This is the primary entrance at ALL times for access to the church building except Sunday morning.
    • The doors will be unlocked only during weekday normal business hours and Sunday mornings.
    • Entry when the doors are locked must be coordinated through Wahid Dennis or the staff/ministry leader.


  • The doors to Sisk Hall and to the 1st floor Main Hall from the ADMIN Lobby will remain LOCKED at all times. The only exception is when major events occur.
  • Approved exceptions are:
    • Sunday morning for worship
    • Wednesday evening for Wednesday night activities.
    • Large community or church events. For major events, the event coordinator must work with the appropriate church staff for approval to open these doors.
  • Access through locked doors is by key card only. The doors should NOT be propped open, unless manned by church staff or a volunteer.
  • Note: All doors allow exit at all times.


Admin Lobby Receptionist procedures:

  1. Sign-In: NEW procedure: Everyone must sign-in AND sign-out at the Reception Desk. The exceptions are:
    • Sunday morning attendees for Worship
    • Wednesday evening participants
    • Those attending large community or church-wide events
    • CDC staff and parents with a keycard
  2. Key card check-out: NEW procedure: Church staff/ ministry leader may check out a keycard from the receptionist. This will enable the meeting coordinator to facilitate access for attendees.
    • Note: Keycards must be checked out during normal business hours for use on weekends or evenings when the church office is closed. Keycards must be returned following the event.
    • Reminder to Staff/ministry leader: Access (by manning doors with keycard for entry) should be provided at least 15 minutes before and up to 15 minutes after the meeting start time. Please provide a phone/text number to enable late arrivals to contact you if doors are locked when they arrive. This is especially important for after hours or weekend meetings.
  3. Other than the new procedures noted, and the need to provide access thru locked interior doors and/or escorting visitors to meeting rooms, all other procedures currently in effect at the Reception Desk remain the same.
  4. Normal Business hours are Monday-Thursday 8AM-5PM and Friday 8AM-1PM.

Additional Information:

  • Key cards are being re-certified and re-keyed. Contact Wanda Arnold for re-certification of CDC cards and Debbie Friddle in the church office for all other keycards.
  • No changes to existing Crisis Ministry (CM)
  • No changes to the Child Development Center (CDC) procedures to allow proper access into the CDC area. Authorized CDC staff and parents have key cards for access.
