
January 8, 2021

Walk With Christ 2021 – Sponsor a Hiker

Walk With Christ is an annual student-led spiritual retreat for youth. Historically, this retreat has been held at the church, but due to COVID-19 concerns, a plan has been developed that will allow Walk With Christ #14 to proceed safely and still create the amazing experience our youth are craving.

The major change is that we are moving the event to Camp Awanita to alleviate the strain on the Buncombe Street UMC facilities and to protect the church’s in-person worship services. The Camp has gone above and beyond to help us plan this weekend and is giving us the entire camp (typically for 600 individuals) so we can spread out, use all their outdoor spaces, and create a safe haven for the weekend.

However, moving to an offsite location comes with a cost. Our “Sponsor-a-Hiker” fundraiser will offset the cost per person for lodging, food, etc. At $100 per person, this offers our congregation a wonderful opportunity to support our youth as they lead and participate in this life-changing weekend. Our goal is to raise $6,500 so we can continue the legacy of this event being free of charge to first-year participants.

At this time, leaders and volunteers will be paying their own way; however, if we raise additional funds, we will use those to offset their costs as well.

To Donate

Click the button below, and…

On the first page
1. Put in the $ amount ($100 to fully sponsor a hiker,  but ANY value you choose to donate is appreciated.)
2. Go to the right and under FUND click on the drop down and select Walk With Christ. (it auto-populates to General Fund- Downtown)
3. Input your email address
4. Hit Continue

On the second page
1. If you have an account with REALM input your password
2. If you DO NOT have an account, choose Continue as Guest
3. Input your credit card information

All donations will be tax deductible through BSUMC.

Sponsor a Hiker!

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