
February 8, 2021

Updated COVID-19 Protocol

Per updated CDC and South Carolina UMC guidelines, we will no longer be canceling in-person worship in response to a single reported COVID-19 case. We will continue to follow up on any reported cases to determine if the infected person has followed our COVID-19 protocols, and we will continue to notify everyone who attended the same service or might have been in close contact.

Since our return to church in October, we have had isolated COVID cases reported in each of our services, yet we have had no indication that the virus has been spread within our worship spaces.  What we are doing as a church to keep people safe is clearly working, and we are grateful to every single person who has done his or her part by registering for services, by wearing a mask, and by social distancing. We are also grateful to those who have reported positive COVID tests, and we ask that you continue to do so. We will continue to follow up on each report and to notify everyone who might be impacted. However, as long as the cases remain isolated, we will follow the CDC guidelines for churches, which will allow us to continue our regular schedule of services as long as the area has been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.

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