
June 1, 2023

Summer Worship Schedule: Begins June 11

Pending the South Carolina United Methodist Church Annual Conference next week, the Downtown Campus church will no longer be affiliated with the United Methodist denomination. As a result, we face a reduction in our number of clergy. During this time of transition, we will offer two worship services, beginning on Sunday, June 11. For the summer, our worship schedule will include an 8:45 AM Traditional service in the Sanctuary and an 11:00 AM The Table service in Sisk Hall.

We recognize this schedule change comes at a time when our congregation needs stability. This change will allow our pastors to be at both the Traditional and The Table services, enabling them to have a pastoral presence for the entire congregation, share the load of preaching, and share the responsibility in administering the sacraments. The same sermon and preaching pastor will be heard at both services each week, unifying us together as one church and one body as we hear the Word of God.

We hope you will understand the discernment and prayer that went into making this decision. Both Traditional and The Table services are very important to our church’s identity. We want to grow our attendance at both services and have thriving worship in both spaces for years to come. This summer as we regroup and gather our lay people, please let us know if you are willing to serve at a worship service, especially in the fall.

Please be in prayer for our church as we head into a new season, and pray for our staff and clergy as they are navigating an exciting yet challenging time.

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