March 27, 2020

We are staying connected as one church family during this unique Lenten Season. Buncombe Street UMC is now following the Center for Disease Controls’s recommendations to avoid gatherings for the next few weeks. For now, everyone is encouraged to “Worship Where You Are.” Services are available beginning at midnight the Saturday prior. You can access the services through this website from the main menu by selecting “Sermons,” “Worship Where You Are.” You can also find services on BSUMC’s Youtube Channel.
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What’s New:
We will be using many digital means to stay in touch. Firstly, we will be streaming combined worship services on Youtube at 11:00 AM Sunday mornings. Secondly, clergy will send short video devotions by email Monday-Friday. These will be in addition to the 2020 Lenten Devotion. The Children’s and Youth Ministries will also be sharing worship tools appropriate for our younger members. And, stay tuned to our social media channels for even more ways to do church together.
If you have not been receiving BSUMC’s weekly Community News email, please email to ensure you will receive all future communications. Follow Buncombe Street UMC on Facebook and Instagram. Subscribe to Buncombe Street UMC on Youtube. Bible Studies and Community Groups may want to keep virtual meetings using apps like, Zoom.
Getting in Touch with Clergy and Staff
The BSUMC Staff and Clergy are available via phone and email. Don’t hesitate to call. A full staff directory is available by searching on Realm and on the “Leadership” page at In the event of an emergency, call the Downtown Campus at 864 232 7431 and follow prompts to connect with the Minister on Call.
“What Can I Do To Help Now?”
If you would like to make phone calls, deliver groceries, or send cards, please contact Rev. Grover Putnam.
Another way to contribute is to continue giving regularly to the church’s operating budgets. The easiest way to do that is to give online at You can also mail checks to either campus. Designate “Missions” to contribute to the special Lenten Offering for Missions. More opportunities for service will be shared in the Community News.
If you have questions or additional ideas about how you would like to connect, please send them to
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