
May 1, 2024

Serve on Sundays: Volunteer with us on Sunday mornings!

Believe it or not, it takes a lot of dedicated volunteers to make Sunday mornings at Buncombe Street possible. We are always looking for enthusiastic people to join our Sunday morning team! Whether you are a morning person and just love talking to people, you love coffee and want to share it with others, you’re interested in technology, you want to serve Communion, or you just want to lend a hand where needed – we have a place for you! Your contributions can truly make a difference and help make Sunday mornings even brighter. Consider serving somewhere you haven’t before, or serving together as a family. Below are a list of current Sunday morning volunteer opportunities and how you can get involved.

The Table Worship
Audio / Visual Assistance – Contact our Production Manager, Christian Watts, if you are interested in helping with video, lighting, sound & more for our Table service.
Communion – Contact Ansley Cheatham ( and let her know you are interested in serving Communion at our Table service.
Breakfast for Clergy / Band / Volunteers – Use this link to sign up for a Sunday.

Traditional Worship
Audio / Visual Assistance – We need help running our soundboard and our livestream video in our Traditional Sanctuary. Contact our Production Manager, Christian Watts and let him know you want to be involved.
Communion – Email Judy Suggs ( and let her know you are interested in serving Communion at our Traditional service.
Ushers – Email Judy Suggs ( if you are interested in handing out bulletins, guiding attendees to their seats, helping with the offering and with the communion process as an Usher in our Traditional service.
Acolyte & Crucifer – Email Judy Suggs ( if your child / grandchild is interested in being an acolyte or crucifer.

Coffee – Help us make and serve coffee in our Welcome Center on Sunday mornings. Contact Chris Ashley, our Pastor of Congregational Engagement.
Greeters – Brighten someone’s day and make them feel welcome here at Buncombe Street! Contact Chris Ashley if you are interested in being a greeter on a Sunday morning.

Sunday School 
If you are interested in teaching Children’s Sunday School or helping with Youth Sunday School, contact Katie Kizer, our Director of Children’s Ministry, or Kristen Harris, our Director of Youth Ministry and let them know you want to get involved.

Let’s be the hands and feet of Jesus and serve together!  

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