October 4, 2024
Operation Helene Relief: Here’s how you can help!

Thank you for reaching out to see how you can serve those in our community and our neighbors in North Carolina. The needs are great and continuously evolving, and we are working to develop a short-term and long-term plan to address them. Below are a few ways you can get involved with current disaster relief efforts.

The needs of those impacted by recent hurricanes are tremendous and continuously evolving. If you want to stay informed on serving opportunities and get involved, TEXT “HOPE” to 864-403-1760. We will be communicating as needs arise and let you know how you can help!

Buncombe Street is partnering with Samaritan’s Purse to provide volunteer teams to help with debris clean up in Western North Carolina. If you are interested in being a part of one of these teams, please use this link to sign up.
Donate to our Buncombe Street Disaster Relief Fund via our online giving link (click here) or write a check to Buncombe Street Methodist Church and put ‘Disaster Relief Fund’ in the memo line. If giving online, please make sure you select Disaster Relief from the drop down menu on Realm.
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