June 23, 2020
Looking at Race in America
A worldwide conversation about race is underway. Our own Bishop, Jonathan Holston, and other Bishops of the United Methodist Church are imploring us to contemplate racial equity in the U.S. and ways that each one of us can play a role in necessary healing. Read their June 5, 2020 letter here. But, race can be a difficult subject of conversation. Those who identify as white may be afraid something they say will come out wrong and they will be labeled “racist.” Those who identify with minority groups don’t want to worry about being insulted by a tone-deaf remark. A good place to start opening up to this worldwide conversation is to tap into the information available to us on the subject. Below find some short videos addressing two commonly asked questions. Feel free to leave a reaction below.
The General Commission on Religion and Race of the UMC produced this video in answer to the question, “What is White Privilege?”
This fifteen minute video explains why we are experiencing unrest.
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