March 6, 2024
Holy Week at Buncombe Street: March 24-31

Join us for Holy Week! Holy Week is the most significant period in our liturgical calendar, commemorating the final week of Jesus Christ’s life on Earth, his crucifixion, and resurrection. At Buncombe Street, we have a few events planned throughout the week that signify the importance of this time and we encourage all to attend as we prepare our hearts for Easter Sunday.

Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week, commemorating Jesus Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem before his crucifixion and resurrection. It holds significant importance in our faith as it symbolizes hope, redemption, and the fulfillment of prophecy. Join us on Sunday, March 24, as we come together to rejoice in the significance of this sacred day and prepare our hearts for the Easter miracle. We are very excited to have our Children’s Choir lend their voices to honor this special occasion in both worship services – we hope to see you there!

Join us for a special presentation during the Sunday School hour on Palm Sunday.
The Trial of Christ examines the legal system in the first century, with a focus on the confluence of events and factors that led to charges against our Lord. While appearing to be random and spontaneous, the criminal prosecution against Christ and his death were ordained by God. This presentation will use a legal perspective to look at God’s redemptive plan for salvation, and how forgiveness of sin was (and still is!) available through the blood Christ shed on the cross. Originally written and presented to over 200 churches in the 1970s by Tommy Thomason, a longtime Buncombe Street member. The legacy of this presentation is continued by his son Rocky and presented by Judge John Kittredge. All are welcome to attend on March 24 during the Sunday School hour in the Chapel. Watch this video to learn more about Tommy Thomason and his legacy in the Greenville community.

The Maundy Thursday worship service during Holy Week represents Jesus’ selfless sacrifice and the profound depth of his love for humanity. This service serves as an opportunity for introspection, renewal, and spiritual preparation as we journey through the solemnity of Holy Week towards the hope and joy of Easter morning. All are invited to join us at 7:00 PM on March 28 in the Traditional Sanctuary as we commemorate the Last Supper and reflect on Jesus’ sacrificial love, his impending betrayal, and his ultimate journey to the cross.

Join us at 3:00 PM in the Traditional Sanctuary as we gather to observe Good Friday. We will journey through the Stations of the Cross and engage in prayer, meditation, and contemplation as we seek to deepen our understanding of the significance of Christ’s sacrifice and its relevance to our lives. If you aren’t familiar with Stations of the Cross, this is a profound spiritual practice that retraces the steps of Jesus from his condemnation to his crucifixion and burial.
If you plan on attending and are able, please use the Sanctuary doors at the top of the big steps. Please note that the church office will be closed on Good Friday, but there will be representatives at the church office door(s) for those in need of that entrance.

Easter Sunday is March 31 we will have four worship services: 8:45 AM & 11:00 AM in the Traditional Sanctuary, and 8:45 & 11:00 AM in Sisk Hall. Let us rejoice in the resurrection of our Savior and be renewed in joy, faith, hope and love as we come together to praise His name!
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