
February 14, 2022

Emmanuel’s Hammer Builder’s Breakfast: March 24

Emmanuel’s Hammer was born at BSUMC, and because of this important partnership we want to extend the invitation to this annual event to all BSUMC members and friends.

All are invited to attend the 2022 Annual Builder’s Breakfast on Thursday, March 24, 2022. This annual event will begin at 7:00 AM in Sisk Hall in our Downtown campus. This fundraiser is to help rebuild homes and restore hope in our community. The Carl E. Hayden Trust has generously offered a match of up to $50,000 in donations received during the Breakfast. Together we can share the love of Christ by helping rebuild homes and lives in the Upstate.

Learn more about Emmanuel’s Hammer and register for the event by visiting their website.  There is no charge to attend.

Want to be involved with the Breakfast? Register as a Table Captain and bring 7 of your coworkers, friends or family members. You can also register as a volunteer for the event. 

Can’t attend but want to donate? Visit this link. 



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