January 11, 2021
Crisis Ministry Update
Crisis Ministry has been an important part of BSUMC for over 25 years. However, much has changed in Greenville in that time, so with Joan White retiring, we have a unique opportunity to measure our role and impact in long-term poverty reduction within our community.
This month, a vision team will begin evaluating the data and prayerfully considering God’s path for the future of Crisis Ministry. This team is comprised of Tommy Sinclair, Bill Shell, Mary Helms, Chris Foy, Jesse Rinzel, Mendi Knisley, Beverly Clapp, and Director of Missions & Outreach, Mignon Fowler. While the vision team completes its work, we will shift referrals and funding to our partners who have a full spectrum of resources available. Please be assured that Buncombe Street UMC will always seek to help those most in need. Please join us in praying for our church, our community, and the Crisis Ministry Vision Team. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Mignon Fowler, Director of Missions & Outreach.
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