
June 5, 2020

Coronavirus Response – Target date to resume in-person worship

The Reopening Task Force decided to set Sunday, July 12 as the target date to resume in-person worship for all three services. Small groups of 10-12 people can also begin meeting outdoors and off-site at that time provided that those groups are practicing social distancing. July 12 is a target date for this first phase of reopening and the task force will continue to monitor our local situation. Details regarding worship attendance, entering and exiting procedures, and social distancing requirements will be communicated in the near future. If you have not already done so, please take this short survey  about reopening church facilities to help shape our new procedures. We look forward to being back together to worship our Lord and Savior!!

The coronavirus spreads mainly by person-to-person contact. The best way to prevent illness is to
act prudently and avoid exposure.
• Wash hands for at least 20 seconds or use a hand sanitizer multiple times per day
• Maintain six-foot social distance
• Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth
• Wear masks in public
• Cover coughs and sneezes
• Clean and disinfect touched surfaces
• Stay home when sick
• Remember that people without symptoms can spread coronavirus.

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