
March 1, 2021

Cathy Musselwhite named Adult Ministries Coordinator

To address the evolving needs of Christian Education Ministry at Buncombe Street, the Staff-Parish Relations Committee is pleased to announce that our Christian Education Administrator Cathy Musselwhite will now serve in a new capacity as the Adult Ministries Coordinator.

In this role Cathy will be able to expand on the great work she is already doing with our Adult Sunday School classes and Small Groups. She will also support the continued growth of our fledgling college and young adult ministries. Cathy will work with Reverend Karen Jones to ensure all of our adult ministries are serving the needs of our congregation and its community.

Cathy has been an asset to Buncombe Street since her arrival on staff in 2018, and we look forward to all of the great things she will do for Buncombe Street in this new role.

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