November 17, 2021
Advent Meditation Music: Begins at Trinity on November 28

Come together for Advent Meditation Music directly before the 11:00 Traditional Worship service at our Trinity campus. This will start on November 28 (the first Sunday of Advent) and will be 8-10 minutes before the worship service starts.
Dates & Featured Music
Advent 1: November 28
Andante (Italian Concerto) Bach
Andante Semplice Dring
Rhea Jacobus, flute
Ginny Zeblitzky, oboe
Advent 2: December 5
What is the Fragrance? arr. Habegger
Still, Still Still arr. Campbell
I Wonder as I Wander arr. Ledgerwood
Cris Lance, cello
Advent 3: December 12
On Jordan’s Bank arr. Peery
John Wickey, harp
Advent 4: December 19
Now Sing We Rejoice arr. Hildebrand
From Heaven Above to Earth I Come arr. Hildebrand
Lo, How a Rose arr. Hildebrand
Advent String Quartet; Betsy Fee, Sally Cathcart, Lucie Fink, Cristine Lance
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