November 24, 2020
2020 Poinsettia Sale

This year, BSUMC continues its tradition of selling poinsettias, which will be used to decorate the worship spaces on Christmas Eve and may be dedicated in memory or in honor of loved ones. Poinsettias are $20 each and will be delivered to the church and available for pickup on Christmas Eve after the 12:00 PM Trinity Campus service and the 10:00 PM Downtown Campus service. Memorials and honorariums will be listed in the Christmas Eve bulletin.
In addition to the customary order form, which can be downloaded here or picked up at the welcome desks on Sunday morning, this year poinsettias also may be purchased online directly from Expressions Unlimited. If you take advantage of this option, please make sure to include a complete dedication in the “personalization” line exactly as you’d like it to appear in the bulletin. (Ex. “In memory of John Doe, by his loving wife Jane.”)
Proceeds from the poinsettia sales will go to the BSUMC flower fund.
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